
If you are engaged in political or business operations in Africa, we can help assure your success through our wide range of services.

Whether you are new in the African marketplace or its statecraft, or have an existing venture that needs assessment and evaluation, we offer you reliable, discreet, and timely informative data and analysis that allows you to avoid risk and make smart decisions.

We offer a wide range of services, customized to our clients’ needs. If you have a need not covered here, please contact us. We may still be able to help!

Due Deligence

Are They Who They Are ?

Due diligence is a tool for assessing a business opportunity or for addressing unknown risks, including fraud and corruption.Due deligence It’s an objective way to assess the risks involved in conducting business with a certain person, partner or company. By reviewing local business records, looking into business and personal relationships, evaluating legal filings, and much more, we provide concrete facts so you can make evidence-based business decisions.

Conducting due diligence will benefit your company in many ways:

  • Help you evaluate strengths or vulnerabilities of a potential business partner
  • Allow you to get current, detailed information you need to make business and financial decisions
  • Ensure that claims about operations, holdings or local reputation are substantiated before you sign on the dotted line
  • Help you avoid costly mistakes and possible lawsuits caused by a lack of complete background on individuals, corporate subsidiaries or businesses
  • Identify and address “black holes” or information you didn’t know existed

Due diligence can mean the difference between a successful relationship and relationship that could cost you time, money, or reputation. VC can perform due diligence investigations for you anywhere in the world. Call us today.

Corrupt Practices Consulting investigations and prosecutions are on the rise. Is your Government or Company at risk?

In many African countries, it is a crime for any business or individual to offer or provide anything of value to a local or foreign government official with the intent to influence an award or continuation of business, or to gain an unfair advantage. The Governments want to ensure that your company abides by the law. VC wants your compliance program to identify and avoid the risks of doing business abroad so you can avoid corruption and costly fines.

We can help your company develop and maintain its CPC program so that:

  • Your staff protects itself from personal liability by ensuring a robust, effective CPC compliance program
  • Your company does not face the turmoil of an ongoing CPC investigation, and the legal expenses associated with it
  • The company can pursue growth opportunities and work with foreign partners, while avoiding exposure to allegations of corruption
  • The company can avoid negative publicity associated with CPC investigations and related legal proceedings
  • You can be sure your vendors and business partners have been thoroughly investigated

If you are already dealing with any CPC problem, VC can help. From conducting an internal investigation to preparing for legal proceedings, VC can help you protect your company and executives from costly legal proceedings, fines, or potential imprisonment.

Does that prospective new executive or member of the Board of Directors have gaps in their CV?

Exec background investigations

When you make a new hire, you need to be sure you know who you’re getting. An executive background investigation can uncover issues you need to know about before you make an offer. Our executive background investigations will help you find out what risks you may face when you hire a new executive or Board member, so you can make recruiting decisions with your eyes open.

VC will get you the background information you need, including:

  • Civil Records: Have they been sued? Have they sued the people they work with? Are they litigious in general?
  • Criminal Records: Have they been charged or convicted of a criminal offense?
  • Financial history: Do they have any bankruptcy in their past? Any tax liens?
  • Confirmation of professional credentials: Do they have the proper Professional Licensing? (are the licenses active? Inactive?). Do they have the degrees they say they do?
  • Media presence: What does the press have to say about your prospective new executive or Board member? What kind of online presence do they have?
  • Reputation: What do others say about their management style and business acumen? It is often better to have a 3rd party conduct the reference interviews, to maintain your relationship with the candidate and to ensure objective input.

Executive background investigations can help you in so many ways: to confirm the candidate has the background he or she claims; to alert you to possible holes in the candidate’s background; or to find out if there are any red flags that should give you pause. Our trained investigators know how to comb through public records and other sources of information to find out what you need to know.

VC can furnish you the forms you need (Authorization Form / Disclosure Form) to start the process quickly and efficiently.

VC conducts executive background investigations in the Africa and around the world, so no matter where you are or where your potential new hire comes from, VC can help.

You can’t afford to make a hiring decision without all the facts. Call on VC for an executive background investigation that will help you make a confident decision.

What ensures the security and success of your operations?

The safety of company personnel and property is of paramount importance. Vianca Consults provides analysis of security matters in any country or region, whatever the risk setting. Whether you are concerned about possible evacuation of personnel, the security of a manufacturing plant or warehouse, or possible threats to your operations in a certain country or region, we can help you and your staff identify and deal with security risks.

Vianca Consults will help you and your company:

  • Assess your current security plan to help fine-tune your security arrangements
  • Establish security arrangements to keep your employees safe, and establish evacuation procedures
  • Identify gaps in your security, and suggest ways to address those gaps
  • Develop plans to manage breaches of your security and prevent future problems
  • Deal with a security crisis as it unfolds

Your staff and your corporate holdings help to ensure your profitability and your legacy. Let Vianca Consults help you keep them safe and ensure your future.

Lawsuits are a part of the fabric of global corporate operations. Are you prepared?

Whether you are considering a lawsuit, or need to defend against a lawsuit, Vianca Consults can assist. Trained, reliable, and discreet professional investigators in countries around the world can help to assess the facts behind claims for damages or to help prepare your defense.

You need to know the strengths and the weaknesses of any claim or proposed defense.

Litigation support services offered by VC include:

  • Working with witnesses. We are able to assist with identifying, locating, and interviewing witnesses. We use local investigators, so language is not a barrier in local, in-country interviews.
  • Retrieving documents. Professional investigators around the world can retrieve legal filings, documents that confirm corporate registration of companies, provide or confirm details on individuals of interest, and much more.
  • Developing the timeline / chronology. A critical part of any case, the timeline is essential to developing a persuasive theory of the case.
  • Vetting clients. When a client presents itself, either as Plaintiff or Defendant, it is critical to know your client. Background investigations tailored to the specific case can provide important details.
  • Locating clients in complex litigation. When an incident has multiple parties that are impacted, identifying and locating these parties is essential.
  • Site visit. In any country, the standards for local operations may vary significantly. Photos and other details can help to highlight the venue in which an incident occurred.
  • Providing context. We can help you understand another country or another culture. Country reports, incident reports, or supplemental reviews of existing reports can add another dimension to any case.

VC’s principals have extensive experience in providing international and domestic litigation support. Call on VC’s team of investigators to know all sides of your case.

Global operations require global resources. Do you have the support you need, when you need it?

Discreet and thorough investigations for corporate clients are a mainstay of VC services. Whether your company is trying to determine the legitimacy of a business partner or uncover employee fraud, you need a reliable, objective third party to conduct investigations. VC’s corporate investigations can be global, regional, or local; they can pursue a specific investigation from one location of interest to another. VC and its investigators are skilled in fact-finding; VC investigators are local, licensed, experienced professionals who you can count on to be thorough and discreet.

VC can help your company:

  • Assess problems that have come to light, while maintaining discretion
  • Prevent litigation by identifying and assessing issues before they harm your operations
  • Assess internal issues such as fraud, employee theft, or other misconduct that can be costly to the bottom line and even more harmful to reputation
  • Obtain evidence for use in domestic or international legal proceedings

Corporate investigations can expose fraud, quantify loss, and identify the culprits; but a well-defined, well-done corporate investigation can also protect a company’s reputation. A company’s brand can be damaged irreparably without a timely, responsible investigation. Let VC help you protect your company’s financial position, its operations, and its reputation.

What risks are posed by a country’s politicians, government, and its political system?

Before your company starts working in a specific country in Africa, you need to know the risks you’ll be facing that are associated with local and national politics. VC can help you identify and assess those risks so you can make well-informed business decisions.

Political risk Assessment

Through real-time information gathering, analysis, and evaluations, VC can help protect your operations and your investment during times of political change and unrest. Whether it is protests in South Africa, street protests in North Africa, rebellion in South Sudan or the unending wars in West Africa, regime change in Central and East Africa, political risk is an important consideration for any company conducting business in Africa. This is always true in almost all the African countries.

VC’s principals are experts in assessing the political environment of volatile countries. We can:

  • Develop a country report on a specific country or region, addressing political issues, with continuing monitoring operations as appropriate
  • Help your company clarify your exposure to political risk and unrest in the target country
  • Provide in-country assessments of local issues that have the potential to affect your company’s operations
  • Help you develop strategies to maintain your company’s operations while avoiding the effects of political turmoil.

Call VC today for help in assessing the political risks you may face in Africa, how to handle them, and how to keep them from harming your business.

Mergers & acquisitions are among the most complex business transactions in the business arena. Do you have the proper resources to evaluate the proposed transaction?

Too often mergers that look great on paper are fraught with problems that can lead to continuing difficulties in merging staff and operations, or even to failure. When working with your company to evaluate a merger or acquisition, VC can bring to bear its expertise in international investigations to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of either party.

 Our Africa-wide network of investigators, lawyers, and financial professionals help ensure that there are no surprises after a merger. We help you identify the potential risks in a new deal so you can make decisions with your eyes open and necessary facts at your fingertips.

VC provides essential M&A support services, including:

  • An initial in-depth analysis of the potential target
  • Background investigations on corporate entities, including verification of business registration, review of legal and financial filings, and clarification of corporate structure (such as branches and affiliated companies)
  • Background investigations of corporate executives, including verification of career path and credentials, and review of civil and criminal records
  • Research and analysis of the reputation of the company and its principals
  • Research and analysis related to possible corruption issues, to identify business connections of the company and its principals, including government links, directorships or relevant family ties
  • Focus on company subsidiaries, to avoid acquiring any legal issues or other problems along with the parent company.

Mergers and acquisitions can be a tremendous opportunity for growth and beneficial for both M&A parties. However, “know before you grow” applies as much as caveat emptor. Our professional experts at VC can identify potential issues before you merge, to enable you to grow your business with

Africa offers incredible opportunities to international businesses. Is your business riding that wave?

Business intelligence, or competitive intelligence: it’s not just big data. It is information you can use, from sources you rely on. Before entering a new market, you need the most accurate information available on current conditions and the likelihood of future changes. If you have a business problem, it may be loaded with uncertainties; you may find that internal reporting is suspect, or local management is less than cooperative. Business intelligence can provide you with the information needed regarding operations, industries, competitors, and the political climate where they are doing business.

business intelligence

Business intelligence can answer important questions about:

  • Your industry in a particular African country. Is there a strong domestic industry? Is the country in need of products or services your company can supply? Is there strong consumer demand? Is the local customer a viable client?
  • The region. Is there adequate infrastructure to support your business operations, or to deliver and service your product? Is political risk an issue?
  • What your competitors are doing. Do they have a presence in the country or region? What are their vulnerabilities? Are they competing on price, quality or other factors?
  • The local government. Is the government supportive of new investment? What sort of red tape can you expect? Will you be exposed to corruption or bribery?

Call today and VC’s business intelligence services will help you formulate the best strategy by giving you a competitive edge and providing you with the information you need to make sound decisions.

Asset Searches

Should you sue? Can you find the funds?

VC has developed a global team of professional investigators able to formulate a thorough, thoughtful strategy for identifying and locating concealed or unknown assets. VC works with clients, from initial assessment to case conclusion. Asset searches are conducted by VC’s international network of investigative, legal, and financial professionals who are skilled at navigating international business operations, including layers of offshore-holdings, complex corporate structures, and money laundering activities.

VC can help you:

  • Identify assets relevant to legal proceedings, whether in determining the viability of filing a lawsuit or pursuing post-judgement enforcement activities.
  • Identify and locate funds associated with embezzlement or other employee misconduct.
  • Navigate layers of corporate structures and corporate holdings to identify African and foreign financial assets
  • Pursue assets that are transferred from one country or jurisdiction to another, using specific in-country investigators familiar with each distinct country and each African country’s legal and business environment
  • Conduct cost-benefit analysis to determine investigative steps that are reasonable and likely to succeed, and to eliminate steps that are not viable.
  • Determine whether to pursue recovery through civil recovery or through coordination with law enforcement.

We are experts at finding where and how assets are hidden. If you are in need of a discreet and thorough asset search, let the experts at VC help you.